Hi, I'm Simon.

For the TLDR,
download my resume.

I'm a software engineer specializing in React, Redux, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails. I graduated from Vanderbilt University with a B.S. in Human & Organizational Development.

I have a passion for problem-solving, pizza, and playing games. On the problem-solving front, I've channeled my software development energy into a Sudoku-based social networking application. As for pizza, I actually don't discriminate- I love all foods equally. Check out my Yelp clone with full search functionality, Google Maps API integration, and AWS hosting for all those tasty food images. When it comes to playing games, my all-time favorite game (show) is Jeopardy! I religiously watch it every day, and you can have a go playing my Jeopardy! spin-off game, JSpardy.

What do I do when I'm not in front of the computer? I enjoy being outdoors, whether that be on a walk around the neighborhood or a trip to the mountains. It's a personal goal of mine to visit all national parks in the country, and I most recently was able to check Mt. Rainier and Zion off of the list.

As a full stack software developer, I have enjoyed using Ruby, JavaScript, React/Redux, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, CSS, HTML, Node, PostreSQL, MongoDB, and more in my projects. I am continuously learning new things. Reach out to talk software development, food, hiking, or Jeopardy game theory.

Things I Can Do

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Redux
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Git
  • Node.js
  • Express.js

Things I've Done

Here are a few of my projects showcasing the above skills.



Live Site | GitHub

Spice is a clone of Yelp, where users can search for restaurants by type and location, as well as write reviews. It also features full user authentication. Spice is built with a React, Redux, & JavaScript frontend and a Ruby on Rails backend.



Live Site | GitHub

JSpardy! is a Jeopardy! spinoff quiz game utilizing a public API that houses past Jeopardy! questions. Test your knowledge with 40 categories in single player or local two-player mode. JSpardy! is built with vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and SCSS.



Live Site | GitHub

SudokuBook is a sudoku-based social media application that allows users to fill out sudoku and post completion times to a live social feed. SudokuBook utilizes MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.

Let's Connect

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